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Mariano Hervas, from THR, participated in the Macanao Peninsula inspection

Ministry of Enviroment-. With the intention of developing the Macanao Peninsula Tourism Plan in Nueva Esparta, the first inspection was made including the visit of different communities and attractions in the jurisdiction, as well as a detailed explanation about the fragility of various ecosystems in the area, with the objective on focusing in a kind of ecotourism perfectionism.

Península de Macanao The activity was led by the Ministry of Tourism and was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Environment, the Planning Division of State Government, Tourism Corporation, Corpoelec, Hidrologica del Caribe, the Mayor’s Office, Inparques and delegates of THR, a Spanish company with extensive experience and global reference of tourism planning.

Mariano Hervas, manager of the international firm said that he was motivated with the inter-institutional rapport that exists in favor of tourism development in the region, while called the Macanao Peninsula as an area with great potential to be a Pole for the Tourism Development.

Elizabeth Puleo Fernandez, State Director of Environment in Nueva Esparta, during the tour, explained that there is a wildlife reserve project for the area dating back 21 years, in which we can see the need for protection of a diversity of species and subspecies that exist in the jurisdiction. Also said that in interpretation tourism, scientific and ecological, it is necessary to diversify the tourism offer in Nueva Esparta and to contribute to the nature preservation.

Meanwhile, Miguel Angel Vasquez, Mayor of Macanao Peninsula, said that the jurisdiction has largely services, however, that it is important to make investments that will expand the capacity of those services, not just thinking in tourism development, but in improving the life quality of its inhabitants.

The Mayor considered extremely important an harmonic and balanced growth of the jurisdiction and that its people are the protagonists and beneficiaries of the significant progress that the tourism development plan will generate in the area.

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