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Green light to the new Strategic Plan for Tourism of Catalonia 2018-2022

The Government has approved last week the Strategic Plan for Tourism of Catalonia 2018-2022 (PETC), prepared by the Directorate General of Tourism. The objective of this Strategic Plan is to establish the bases to manage tourist activity in Catalonia in the coming years.

PECTThe Strategic Plan wants to place Catalonia as one of the best destinations in the Mediterranean, so that by the year 2022 the objectives of increasing daily spending per tourist; reach 37% of tourists who visit the destination outside the high season; increase up to 10% tourists staying off the coast; and grow intelligently until reaching 21 million international tourists will be achieved.

This Plan structures the actions in seven backbone axis that must be carried out: offering an exceptional tourist experience; conquer and retain customers; attract investments; make smart tourism; improve competitive conditions; improve the tourist management of the territory; rethink management, organization and governance.

The Strategic Tourism Plan of Catalonia is complemented by the Tourism Marketing Plan of Catalonia 2018-2022, which establishes the bases for the promotion and commercialization support of the Catalan tourist offer for the coming years.

THR Innovative Tourism Advisors was the awarded company for the elaboration of the Strategic Plan, as well as the Marketing Plan of Catalonia 2018-2022, working together with the General Directorate of Tourism, and with a high involvement of key stakeholders of the tourism sector, both public and private.

*This article has been elaborated with information provided by

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