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Mariano Hervas took part of the Sustainable Tourism Panel at the Astana Economic Forum

Today at the Astana Economic Forum 2013, Mariano Hervas, from THR Innovative Tourism Advisors, took part of the ‘Sustainable development of the tourism industry through the creation and development of infrastructure’ Panel Session next to global leaders like Frederic Pierret, Executive Director at the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), and Stjepan Mesic, President of Croatia (2000 – 2010).

Astana Economic Forum"Experience proves that tourism development can sometimes be chaotic and that destinations can be soon trivialized and stop being competitive in the market. Master Plans avoid this situation when they clearly state what can be and cannot be done in tourism spaces” says Mariano Hervas, from THR consulting firm, at the Astana Economic Forum 2013 this morning. “Some rigorous control mechanisms to make sure these plans are enforced are also helpful. Both elements can ease the destination path towards competitiveness and success” Hervas adds during the Sustainable Tourism Panel.

"Competitiveness of tourism destinations depends a lot on their capacity to innovate and deliver high value to tourists. Only executives and highly-trained professionals capable of leading the creation and delivery of value can achieve this." Mariano Hervas from THR at the Astana Economic Forum at Kazakhstan.

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