Corporate identity development of the Coast of Estoril

Success story

Corporate identity development of the Coast of Estoril

Service Area: Destination Marketing
Capabilitiess: Corporate identity, Brand development, Brand management, Communication plan, Promotion
Client: Tourism Board of the Coast of Estoril
Location: Estoril, Portugal

The Tourism Board of the Coast of Estoril intended to continue with its strategy to improve and optimise its tourism model.

Within this framework, it planned to carry out a communication campaign, both in the Spanish and the European markets, in order to strengthen its brand image and increase the number of visitors and overnight stays.

EstorilTHR has created multiple corporate identities in tourist destinations. This time, The challenge was to develop an identity for the Coast of Estoril. It was necessary to create and design a new corporate identity, and to create an application guide including sketches of different pieces.

Identity System of the Coast of Estoril

Sistema de identidad de la Costa do Estoril
Source: THR

From defining to positioning: "Estoril. One place, a thousand sensations" was a campaign based on the creative concept "Colours".

Estoril offers a large number of attractive features in a limited space. Always surprising: the ocean with all its nuances of blue, the large number of spectacular monuments and buildings, and the numerous spaces to do different sports.

This campaign aims to strengthen what Estoril has to offer through its corporate identity colours.

A new corporate identity for the Coast of Estoril, including:

  • Base-line (publicitary translation of the positioning of the Coast of Estoril)
  • Definitive design of the corporate identity of the Coast of Estoril, duly tested.
  • Final arts of the basic corporate identity.
  • Base application guide.
  • Production of 1,000 application guides for corporate identity in paper and 1,000 CD-ROMs

Extract of Estoril's applications guide

manual deaplicaciones Estoril

Manual de aplicaciones de Estoril
Source: THR

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